Thursday, January 22, 2009



rest or atrophy?
wrapping paper brings an active role right?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

nice tuesday

Said Jesus will come out of the cove with his hand held up high,
swallows me down amongst my brothers.
Our love to salt says the great divide.

A few weeks ago i thought i saw the spirit of America thriving in sea/tac airport in Seattle.
This American spirit had manifested itself into the form of a kiosk which was selling time, three dollars for half an hour. The nice little set up had a plethora of cell phone chargers reaching out like alien limbs or Ma Bells ear tentacles which you could hook your phone up to for the above mentioned minimal fee.
Today i saw the American spirit gathered in millions to watch the back that bled to give the spirit form pass to the embodyment of that form itself and i think i felt a little shamed at my cynical approach...

songbirds and vegetables

Peacocks, peacocks are far too colourful for this moment. I would just assume dive into a cold pool than address a song bird today...

"Brother, today i have broken my spade. Without my spade i cannot remove the weeds from the vegetable patch...
As I sit here and share space with the mud I struggle to grasp the idea of a spade -less farmer.
I lament the lives of those vegetables whose air and soil will be taken over, and as i cry i notice my tears mixing with the soil..
Brother how can I take care of anything when clearly, my own life can flow deep into the soil and shed its viscosity to join those darkened bodies? Brother, how can a vegetable farm the crop?"

-a conversation translated by a songbird, a boy to his brother

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

feathery spector

"My souls mother said sometimes people go different directions. A fish can want to help a fox, but three minutes on the shore and the fish will just suffocate. And if he doesn't suffocate than the fox will just eat him..."

Two men walked down the road on their way to the park. The park was forgetfully nudged in between the caldisacking houses at the end of the road and the park was quite small and inclusive.
At night the sparse electric lights create infinite layers of activity and often times the sounds blend in with what ever the eye senses. The winds that softly blow become inseparable from the convection and the skins grand appearance is lost in the universes grand connection. This night was a night not unlike this and as they sat and settled down to have tea the one old man rambled out the above lines about the fox and the fish.
After hearing this the other man replied;

"Does the fish see all other creatures as fish like himself?"

Thursday, January 8, 2009

wet dialogues

"Here i am boarding the bus, alone under torrents of rain."

"Excuse me sir but i find your sentiments odd, not because of the enivironment that you describe as it is raining outside, but because you are not alone."

"I am not?" "Are you a representation of my schism?"

"You and your tunnel vision and transient nomadic romanticism!"

"Excuse me sir but how do you know about my workings from overhearing just one thought?"

"What sir?" "Who are you talking to?" "You are standing there by yourself at the bus stop."

- a conversation as recorded between a man at the bus stop

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

in common but alone

"well perhaps what he most wants is a coffin?"
"Then i would be much obliged sir, to make it."

"Death be your business then?"
"Not at all." "Simply housing it." "Even death is a heavy burden for those who are not yet laid waste by it."

"Did you say even?""I simply stated my position." "Can you hand me that hammer?"

- conversation as recorded, the smith and the town concerner

cold leg

One day while browsing the internet a boy came across an add;
"Half digested meal seeks more accommodating digestive tract..."

The boy at first squinted down to meet the up curl of his lip because quite naturally, these are the dimensions and shapes of the human face that are required and demanded by confusion.
as the confusion took its toll on the boys mind and his relationship with time, a few unnoticed moments flickered by.
Flickers die away as quickly as they arrive, and in this way the boy’s awareness of what was going on returned.
At this point his eyes squinted down harder until almost completely shut leaving but a sliver immersed in tears and the watery world of bath tub dreams, all while the mouth continued its call to open up for a wretch from a southern muscles' spasms as the boy at this point began to throw up.
The boy threw up onto the kitchen table, and as the vomit dripped and ran down the wood grained chair and pre patterned corduroy, a flowing stream of emesis found itself merging with the cold linoleum.

At this point the emesis considered its position.. A chilly and hard horizon of wall and carpet towering over on all sides and no less, no longer a view of the boys computer monitor.
The emesis thought of it's miles of curls basking cozy in carbon heat and pressure induced form and lamented it's criticisms of the boys' g.i. shortcomings and thought to itself, simultaneously across each molecule of its now pooled formation, much like the nervous system of the great jelly;

"Is that salt on the floor?" "I cant see if someone responded to my add."